Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Trust the Truth

Yesterday, Tuesday January 28, 2014 was President Obama's State of the Union Address where Obama declared 2014 the, "year of action." The Christian Science Monitor posted an article about the event entitled, "State of the Union speech: Did Obama give up on Congress? Not exactly." In the article, contributed to by Francine Keifer, high points of the speech were discussed as well as some of the participants and listeners interpretations. I feel think this piece is worth the time to read and digest because it seems to be unbiased and just state facts. The article states the facts such as the increase in minimum wage for federal workers, as well as his desire to collaborate with Congress. He also explains he is ready to bypass legislature with executive orders if things do not move along as they should. Obama also introduced the Afghanistan war veteran Cory Remsburg during his speech, reminding the public that our twelve year war is steadily coming to a close. This article is relevant to all of us because Obama is the leader of our country and we should be in tune with what he is or is not saying to the public. We should be aware of subtleties that could foreshadow future events. When I read articles or listen to politicians or news organizations talk I like to use discernment, read between the lines if you will. At times there is nothing there besides the straightforward words, but other times there is reason to look at the broader picture, and dig deep into the true meanings for certain phrases and actions. Thats not paranoia, thats discretion. When you know the Truth, the Truth will set you free. I found it interesting that while some important topics were discussed, I just always feel a little like we are not facing real issues that are proven fact. Its like we skirt around them hoping that if we keep the people happy and cheerful that all the issues will just go away. Im trying to have a better attitude about our leaders and realize, they are people too. They have hearts, feeling , families, and a soul. I want to stop dehumanizing the institutions set before us and recognize people for what they are: human. A year for action it is, changing attitudes, habits, pursuing goals, taking chances, and trusting God. The time is now!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do you really want to know?

I always wonder if people will really want to know my political beliefs. I am very opinionated, but not in a mainstream way. I believe that both parties are puppets run by the elite. I feel all is trickled down from a group of people who do not have our best interests at heart. I believe being overly invested in any one party is a form of idol worship. Many individuals either bow down to the donkey or to the elephant without even realizing what is taking place. Although these are my strong opinions, I find being informed on current events is crucial to survival in this society. Despite my rather harsh stance towards the system, I understand that if I do not participate I do more harm then good. I must take an active role regardless of the corruption I see all around. Spreading awareness and information to the people is a large part of my platform. I'll reveal that I'm for Jesus and his ways. I try not to put my trust in man, but I do know the leaders have been appointed for a purpose. I don't believe our political leaders, republican or democrat, are for God and his ways regardless of what they say. With that said, I do not judge! I accept people right where they are and all I ask is that people will show the same acceptance. I am well aware that many people do not feel the way I do and could be easily offended by my strong words. I hoping for heightened awareness and a better grasp on the nitty gritty facts associated with our government. I know I will learn a lot and that this class will increase my credibility when conversing with the population. In my past, I was been involved with the Rally to Restore Sanity led by John Steweart and Steven Colert. The past election I chose not to vote because of reasons stated above. After the fact, I feel the was the wrong choice because I believe we are called to vote and take a stand instead of passively allowing things to transpire. I enjoy signing petitions and getting involved at a local level as well. We are the people and I'm for the Free!